Circular economy and recycling
Circular economy and recycling are essential for addressing current environmental challenges.

Circular economy and recycling are crucial for addressing current environmental challenges. Recycling materials reduces dependence on limited natural resources and waste emissions. It also promotes resource efficiency and pollution reduction. Adopting circular economy practices can generate new economic opportunities by stimulating innovation, ensuring sustainable development that preserves our planet for future generations.

The Circular Economy of Plastics aims to minimize plastic waste production and maximize the reuse of plastic resources through a more efficient and sustainable production, consumption, and recovery system.

Four Key Principles of the Circular Economy of Plastics:

  • Reduce: Decrease the amount of plastic produced and used by designing more durable, reusable, and recyclable products.
  • Reuse: Promote the reuse of plastic packaging and products by encouraging refill systems, deposit return schemes, and the second-hand market.
  • Recycle: Improve the rates of collection, recycling, and recovery of plastic waste by investing in efficient infrastructure and technologies.
  • Repurpose: Use non-recyclable plastic waste for energy production or to create new products with lower added value.

Benefits of the Circular Economy of Plastics:

  • Reduction of Plastic Pollution: Less plastic waste dispersed in the environment, benefiting ecosystems and human health.
  • Resource Conservation: Reduced consumption of oil and natural gas, which are raw materials used in the production of virgin plastic.
  • Creation of New Jobs: Development of new production chains related to recycling, reuse, and plastic recovery.
  • Economic Benefits: Lower waste disposal costs and creation of new business opportunities related to the circular economy.

Viplas contributes to sustainability and plastic reuse by providing key components for the regranulation plants that process flakes and ground material obtained from the shredding of plastic waste. We work closely with our partners to develop innovative solutions that optimize the recycling process, helping to reduce environmental impact and maximize resource recovery. Through the design and production of reliable and efficient components, we strive to transform used material into resources for producing new products, promoting a sustainable and responsible lifecycle for materials.”